
Ca l’Agnès is located 70 km far from Barcelona and 70 km far from Girona, and it is easy to reach from both cities in about 70-80 minutes of travelling by car.

We recommend you to leave the A7-motorway in Sant Celoni (Exit number 11) and cross this city in direction to the Montseny Natural Park.

The trip is very easy. From Sant Celoni you should take the route BV5114. Once you reach a roundabout you should continue to Mosqueroles/La Costa del Montseny (beginning of route BV5119). You should take this route, which continues until the summit of Turó de l’Home, and do not leave it for about 20 minutes. One kilometre far from Fontmartina’s Camping you will see, in a pronounced curve on the left, the beginning of a forest track. There is a green sign indicating “El Baiés de la Costa/Ca l’Agnès” in the beginning of this track. Once you have driven about 800 metres of forest track you will see the house: you are there.


For more information: http://goo.gl/maps/Vhk0L